Thursday, May 15, 2008


I really appreciated Lunsford's article about collaboration today. I successfully completed a fairly strong paper on collaboration in the classroom while collaborating with a friend of mine last year. This year I am working with another friend on another project. Both projects have helped me learn a great deal about how I work as a scholar and writer and how to understand another's process. It has been extremely edifying.

I like that Lunsford sings the praises of collaboration in her own work and in the writing center. What I appreciate more is her sense of caution. She warns of how, without careful consideration of implementation, collaboration as the ruling theory of the writing center could create an equally hegemonic hierarchy of power where students still lack the power (96).

I appreciate her enthusiasm and her caution because they show a strong concern for the ethics of writing center theory and administration that I am not sure we have had a chance to see so clearly in some of the other articles.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree that the cautionary note was helpful. It seems as if ALL of college, across departments and disciplines, has focused so heavily on group work this, collaboration that. I was shocked to find out that even slightly higher up, this is not the case at all.