Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I am persuaded that writing centers should provide the kind of multimodal consultation Sheridan recommends for his multiliteracy center. It seems to me, though, that English departments must come alongside writing centers by prioritizing multimodality in composition curriculum. It is not enough to allow or require multimodal projects—they must help them to attain at least a function level of multiliteracy.


Carolyn A. Jones said...

Do you think that tutors will become specialized? Some tutors will be proficient in multimodal etc. or will this knowledge come as a result of being in a composition classroom which requires multimodal projects; therefore, new tutors will have a background for it or will writing centers advertize for tutors who have tech knowledge? Is anoher alternative to have the tech department train its tutors in the same manner as writing center tutors are trained? I know that this is a Lot of questions about how this could be accomplished.

Emily Standridge said...

It seemed like Sheridan was asking for a subgroup of tutors for multimodal compositions, which seems sketchy to me. It seems like all tutors should be equipped to tutor multimodal projects or none. Having a subgroup seems very divisive.