Friday, May 16, 2008

Can't we all just get along?

First of all, I am not sucking up (really, I'm not). It's just that reading Murphy, Carino and Riley together reminded me of a question I've had since I began to consider pursuing a graduate degree in English. Why isn't there more inter-disciplinary sharing between the disciplines within English, let alone within the institutions that have English departments? A big part of the reason, I'm guessing based on my course load, is time. As the readings today show, there are so many theories in each discipline that it's dizzying. Even the Longman book isn't completely representative of major theorists in the writing center -- with names like Bizzell, Ede and Berlin referenced by numerous essayists -- but not included as authors. Still, it's curious that the core classes for comp/rhet do not include any writing center requirement. There are literature and linguistic requirements, in addition to the comp/rhet, but (unless I'm overlooking it) the scholarship on WCs is optional, despite that fact that it informs composition pedagogy especially. Perhaps it is more noticeable to me because I've not taken any of the composition theory courses yet, but it seems like if I had not taken this class on the presumption that it was only for people interested in administering WCs it would have left a significant hole in my education. (You can stop making those kissing noises now.)


Emily Standridge said...

I totally agree. Why can't we all at least talk to each other about the main thing we have in common: a concern for writing. I know we cannot include everything; I wouldn't want to. But if we are all required to have a taste of literature and linguistics, I think we should all have to taste writing center theory. That might be part of the solution to the misunderstandings that seem to plague our existence! (i'll stop making the kissing noises too.)

jrgm said...

A's for both of you!