Thursday, May 29, 2008

Writing Tics

We've spent so much of our time in 693 (the "other class" Tess, Carolyn, Karen and I are in) talking about recognizing and correcting out "tics" in speaking and writing that I am now hyper-aware of those things in others' writings. So I have to vent: If Coogan used "in other words" one more time when discussing other people's theories, I might have lost it! I know it is nit-picky, but it seemed to be showing up in every single paragraph of lit review!

I think it is amazing how little things like that can get through the editorial process.

Thank you all for listening to my mini-rant. I feel like I can move on now!


tmevans said...

That's okay. I'm now hyper-aware of my "ums" but, unfortunately, still can't seem to catch them before they slip out!

Carolyn A. Jones said...

I'm aware of how authors put forth their ideas and let the others join the conversation against each other which makes his voice seem more visionary and new.