Thursday, May 22, 2008


As I was reading the last of this book, I kept waiting for Nelson to talk more about how students were certified. Sure enough, she includes figure 8.1 (p. 245) to give us an idea about how students are certified. However, I was still left with some questions. While she mentions that tutors are the ones to decide whether or not students are ready to be certified, she does not talk about how she is included in the process of certification. What is Nelson's involvement in certifying whether or not students are ready? Also, students are there at the center because they scored below the cut-off on a test of Standard English, but Nelson does not talk about how the students are assessed or who does the assessing of this test. I'm assuming someone other than those who work in the center are the ones who are telling the students they did not make the cut-off. It would be interesting to know how these students were assessed as they took the test.

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