Tuesday, May 20, 2008

brian's final project proposal

Topic and Motivation

I would like to prepare a document that can serve my administrators as an introduction to writing centers as they decide whether or not to include space for a writing center in their campus plan. It strikes me as likely that these administrators assume that a writing center is a fairly straightforward enterprise, and that if left to themselves they might plan an inadequate—never mind ideal—space. I wonder whether it might also be worthwhile to offer to them an estimate of what it might cost to staff and administrate such a facility in the event it is built.

Research Questions/Methods

How does the physical space available to a writing center impact the kind of writing center that can inhabit that space? Or, perhaps more positively, what kind of space would be ideal for our school?

How much will it cost to staff and administrate such a facility? How should the writing center director’s position be defined? How many tutor hours will be required per semester? How much should tutors be paid? What other costs should be considered?

Format of Project

I think that a document would be a good place to begin—though I can imagine being asked to turn such a document into a presentation at some point.


Will I have to make decisions about this writing center that will significantly determine its character in years to come?

Should I offer staffing options, or is it best to view this as a proposal that reflects a well-defined vision for this writing center?

Please peer into your crystal ball. Will I, in the event I choose to reveal the existence of this document to my administrators, be in danger of being named writing center director whether I want to be or not? The answer to this question will help me to decide what sort of salary to recommend for the position.

Should I focus on just the space, or should I think about furnishings, staff positions, cost of operation.

Should I present a case for the value of a writing center, or should I just offer this as information that might help them to make decisions.

Should I describe the relationship a center would have to the rest of the university and to the English Department?

Issues and Problems

This seems like a big project. It also seems interesting and useful, of course. Can I finish this project in time?

Is the information I need accessible?

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