Thursday, May 22, 2008

Learning from ourselves

One last point that I like about Wilson Nelson's work is the idea of reflective teaching and working in teams. She and the consultants are constantly observing, reflecting on their observations, testing assumptions, and looking for new ways to help their students. Yes, I know it was part of their research and we've found lots of things that bother us and needlessly complicate the work, but I still get a sense of a group of educators who are committed to their students and their field. In a way, it reminds me of our Teaching Circles in the English department, and makes me wish for more of this kind of interaction between instructors and writing center staff.


Karen Neubauer said...

It also makes me wonder why the contract faculty annual reports aren't designed more along the lines of the hindsight/insight/foresight model that would allow instructors to reflect on their work as a way to build their teaching skills instead of just to justify renewal of their contracts.

Carolyn A. Jones said...

Since I am an adjunct professor, I miss the meaningful conversations of faculty about teaching. Maybe the full time faculty doesn't get together much either. But I think that such a planned time of sharing would benefit all of us.