Thursday, June 5, 2008

The question of how

As I started to read the last half of the book, I was hoping that Grimm would answer the question of how. How do writing centers, for instance, train tutors? In the back of my mind I was waiting for her to say "I'm not going to tell you how in this book" and then on page 110 she does just that, only in the next paragraph she lets us in on the fact that she has students in her writing center read a handbook which is a collection of stories written by members of the staff. Instead of telling tutors what to think, she lets students be thinkers on thier own. I think that I like this idea and can see real value in sharing stories that "denaturalize expectations about what working in the writing center involves, stories about the complexities..." I think that reading stories such as these can enable tutors to reflect on their own lifes and to recognize how they differ.

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