Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mission Statements

This post sort of ties into what Karen said in her post, but I thought perhaps it could be on its own. Lowe places much emphasis on establishing a mission statement for the Writing Center. I know that the Writing Center at Ball State does not have a mission statement on their website, and I have not seen one elsewhere on their advertisements. I'm wondering why. I know Jackie had mentioned in class one day that she did not like mission statements, so I wondering whether or not mission statements are a necessity. I assume that it depends on each writing center. Perhaps, Ball State's Writing Center has one, but it is just not made public, which brings me to my next question: What's the advantage of making a mission statement public?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think an interesting aspect of mission statements is who generally knows them: employees. I had a job where we were required to memorize ours, but I doubt our customers even knew it existed. It seemed to be a way to hold us accountable; to prove that we knew the purpose of the establishment.