Sunday, June 1, 2008

An MBA or a PhD? Or Both?

In "If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail: Strategic Planning and Management for Writing Center Directors," Kelly Lowe quotes Jeanne Simpson from "What Lies Ahead for Writing Centers" who "cited the work of the National Writing Centers Association's Professional Concerns Committee" (71)--still with me?--which argued "a good center director should have some knowledge of or training in accounting, basic business administration, personnel management, records management, and decision making" (60). And be thoroughly grounded in rhetoric & composition theory and writing center theory, etc. I'm reminded of those want ads in the paper that ask for a candidate to have the skills and knowledge sets of three or four different professionals, plus be able to answer the phone and order office supplies--but they're only willing to pay for the clerical portion of the job.

1 comment:

tmevans said...

Oops, that page 60 should be 71.