Tuesday, June 3, 2008


In an online seminar "Assessment as a Learning Experience" Dr. Peter Saunders highlights the importance of assessment by quoting Angelo and Cross: "There is no such thing as effective teaching in the absence of learning" and by explianing that assessment can no longer be viewed as testing but as "self-reflection" which "improves future learning" and determines if learning outcomes have been achieved. Professionally, teachers must be concerned with assessment on several levels: 1) Instructional assessment - determining "what must be learned", 2) Methodological assessment - determining how to deliver it, 3) Learner assessment - "determining the effectiveness of instruction". Dr. Saunders relates that assessment is a positive learning experience for students "when it involves social interaction;" "enhanced self-efficacy;" "reflection;" "meaningful [focus] on mastery of course essentials & individual growth [toward] success;" and improved learning or gaining understanding in which learning and understanding are more valued than getting the right answer or in the case of writing centers, writing better. Writing center assessment seems very similar. For my research project, I am answering two questions: What are the benefits of vising the writing center? How might I reinforce that learning in the classroom? The purpose of this inquiry is to help me to work with, not against, collaborative learning by changing my teaching methods.

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