Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Everyone Makes Mistakes

It was nice to hear the authors mention that tutors are going to make mistakes in their sessions-- just as everyone does, everyday, in life. Many of our readings place a great deal of responsibility on tutors, and it has always struck me as unfair. It may just be my naive view of tutoring, but the word doesn't "sound" hard, while WC tutors, at some points, seem to be assumed to have a deep understanding of theory that I myself am having trouble grasping, and I'm taking a course.

Obviously, I understand tutoring is more complex and more difficult that it "sounds", but again, it is nice that the authors mention room for error and -gasp- that no one (at all) is perfect.

1 comment:

Carolyn A. Jones said...

Welcome to the world of teaching and to life. No one is exempt from making mistakes. We just have to keep open to learning, changing, and applying.