Thursday, June 12, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Writers and Writing
EDWC writing their talk
Secret public WC journal
Everyone Makes Mistakes
Obviously, I understand tutoring is more complex and more difficult that it "sounds", but again, it is nice that the authors mention room for error and -gasp- that no one (at all) is perfect.
WC films
I looked for the
“Ink Paper Conversation” from Evergreen State College WC is clips from action in the WC, plus comments from tutors. They’re playing Scrabble! This is a really smart video and my favorite.
“Adventures in Writing” is from the U. of Michigan-Flint WC and uses humor similar to the “Croc Hunter” TV show.“MADE I want to be a better writer” from Virginia Tech is a take-off on the makeover shows on TV.
Then there’s the WC Choir, a cute example of “fresh activities” EDWC talks about. (Warning, it doesn’t get any better after the first minute, so don’t make yourself watch to the end.)