Friday, May 16, 2008

Research Rationale

Carolyn A. Jones
Dr. Grutsch McKinney
ENG 690 WCA Research Paper
May 16, 2008

Topic: Tutor Training

Motivation: Writing center directors have two major responsibilities: setting up the physical space of a writing center and training tutors. Over the past year I have noticed in a listserv to which I subscribe many queries about tutor selection and training material/methods for tutors, and my students regularly visit the writing center. I am interested in discovering how tutors are selected and what the types of training methods say about the writing centers and what goes on in this culture. My curiosity is my motivation for this study. When I mentioned this possible study to Dr. Bird, Director of the Writing Center at Taylor University, she indicated an interest in reading my results. Knowing what happens in the writing center culture in diverse institutional settings and how directors view what is happening there is not only beneficial for directors of writing centers but also for practitioners and students.

Research Question: In what ways do tutor selection and the types of training methods affect the perceived learning cultures of writing centers?

Academic articles that provide grounding for this study
Submit queries on the listserv to which I subscribe
Development of a survey based on the writing center learning audit found on page 52 of The Everyday Writing Center: A Community of Practice
Trial: ask two or three writing center directors to complete the survey

Presentation – ppt
End product – research proposal

Issues/Problems: time constraints

Questions for Dr. McKinney:
Is this study feasible? Not too large but not too narrow?
Am I missing something that I should consider?
I have searched JSTOR and Academic Search Premiere, where else can I find up to date information on tutoring training and practices in the writing center?

1 comment:

sccrfn1 said...

You might want to check out CompPile; it is another database that features articles and books about composition topics. Also, you can search the contents of The Writing Lab Newsletter, also online.