Tuesday, April 22, 2008


You've found our class blog. This will be collaboratively written by the members of this class. Here you can comment on readings, your research, and our in-class discussions. You can also point us to web resources that you find related to our course.

Things to keep in mind when blogging:
1. Blog entries are best when brief: stick to one topic (if you have other things to say, post again).
2. Comment! The way that this blog will be a conversation will be if you comment on posts left by others.
3. Link! This is a hypertext medium. Make the most of it. Link to other posts that you are referring to and to other resources.
4. Vlogging anyone? If you have a webcam, you can do video posts. I'll give it a try if you do.
5. Subscribe! This blog has an RSS feed. You can use a feed reader (and some email programs) to be notified each time someone posts to this blog.

The members of this class will be the only authors for this blog, but it will be publicly accessible and searchable. If you have a personal matter you want to share with the class (something you don't want archived online for some reason or another), zip us an email.

I'm looking forward to watching this space grow.

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